Are you thinking about renting out your property for the first time and don’t know where to start?
Today we are going to go back to maintenance for a bit just because I can’t stress enough how important this is when preparing your property for rental.
Tip #2 (The extended version 😁)
When it comes to maintenance… If it’s not completely broken, don’t fix it is not the right attitude if you are going to be renting your property.
Let me explain!
If you see a problem and it looks minor there may be an underlying issue so don’t let it get worst, deal with the issue now, later it may cost more to fix or replace in time and dollars.
An example of this would be a front door lock that doesn’t work properly, and you have to jiggle the key to get it open. DO NOT tell or explain to the tenants how to jiggle the key to get the lock to work. Instead, PLEASE CHANGE THE LOCK.
So much can go wrong with this, and it will. In the middle of the night after a full night of partying the tenant comes home drunk jiggles the key the wrong way an the key breaks in the lock and calls you or your Property Manager to rescue them. So now you have to locate a locksmith that is willing to come out at that time and you or your Property Manager have to find your way to the property with or without the locksmith to either replace a lock that hast been working properly for the past 2 years or let the guests in through another door.
Now the tenant, you, the Property Manager and the locksmith all upset and offset cause precious sleep time is wasted on an issue that could have been prevented.
Take maintenance issues seriously: