Are you thinking about renting your property for the first time and don’t know where to start?
Tip # 8 – Presentation- preparing your property for photos
Today’s tip we will discuss getting your property on the market.
So your property is finally rental ready so all you have to do now is get some proper photos of your property and decide where you are going to start marketing it. In this tip I can’t stress enough how important it is for your property to present well regardless of where you will be showing it.
If your budget permits and you can afford to get a photographer to take professional photos by all means go for it remember “people buy with their eyes”. On the other hand if your budget doesn’t permit you to hire a photographer at least get your hands on a phone with a good quality camera. Photos must be clear and show the room or area you are taking clearly.
Before you actually take the photos though you should try to stage the property.
What I mean by that is, make sure the beds are spread properly, nothing should be on your bed except a nice sheet/ spread or comforter and pillows. If you don’t know how to do it, let google or YouTube become your friend. Make sure there isn’t anything but the decor items on countertops and dressers etc so don’t have a whole bunch of beauty care products and toiletries on a dresser or in the bathroom or cleaners. Put away everything that doesn’t need to be in the photo. As for the kitchen keep the cupboards bare except for perhaps a few small appliances. If you are a bit extra you can set the table and perhaps even put a plate with some light refreshments on it. Once that is done take your photos.
So you get the idea. A property that presents well, rents well.
For a more in-depth conversation please feel free to message me or if you need assistance setting this up.