Are you thinking about renting your property for the first time and don’t know where to start?
Tip #2
Is your property rental ready for someone other than yourself to live in it for either a short stay or long stay?
So you have now decided which type of rental you want to go with whether Holiday/short term or mid term/ long term) so now it’s time to prepare your property to suit that type.
So the next step is to make a checklist to see what you need to make sure the property is in good condition and ready to have that appeal.
A simple checklist is as follows however I would recommend doing a thorough inspection or hiring someone like a Property Manager/ Consultant to do a thorough inspection for you.
1. Check for any maintenance issues
This will be by far the number one item on your checklist as you don’t want to put some one in a property that has a leaking toilet or a fan or AC that doesn’t work, or broken or damaged woodwork or security grills. I’ll stop there but the list is endless of small and larger maintenance issues that could make a rental go all wrong.
But some examples of the more common things to check for would be as follows:
– Are the electricals and plumbing all working as they should
– Are the walls in good order or do they need any repairs or painting
– If there is woodwork around the property is it rotting or broken or in need of a paint job
– If there is wrought iron or metal around the property is in rusting or in need of a coat of paint.
– Are windows and doors all working and no hinges loose or they aren’t dropping off.
You get the gist of things 😀 .. Checking everything is important at this stage to make sure you try to alleviate as much as possible any complaints from your new tenants.
2. Another area to check would of course be the cleanliness of the property inside and outside.
– Is the property free from any debris or old rubbish that needs discarding.
– is the garden overgrown and need of some serious TLC (Tender loving care 😃) The garden and yard could actual be a topic on its own but at some point I may elaborate but long and short just make sure the surroundings are in good condition and inviting to look at. People often buy with their eyes so even if its the nicest property and its untidy or dirty most people would say no.
3. If you are renting your property furnished, are all the furnishings in good condition ; nothing broken or damaged or not working. This one I will elaborate on in another post as nothing deters a tenant more than old, damaged stuff.
4. Budget is another important aspect of getting your property rent ready. So it is important to work out your budget to make sure you are able to get the property up to the standard which the tenant will be expecting. It may mean doing things in stages. but take your time and do it right the first time.
For a more in-depth conversation you can contact me directly.